Causes, symptoms and treatment of herpes zoster virus

Shingles is an infection of the nerve and the surrounding skin. The disease is caused by a virus that is similar to the virus causes chicken pox, varicella zoster IE. Varicella virus that settled around the base of the spine or skull bones of the body even after chicken pox heal, active may return at a later date and cause shingles.

The symptoms of Herpes Zoster

When experiencing the first symptoms of herpes zoster, is a pain. The pain can be as hot as burning or sense of taste like impaled sharps. In addition it sometimes appears itching and numbness on the affected part.
The rash will then appear and turn into blister wounds containing water that is itchy and nodule resembling chicken pox. Blisters will dry up and turn into koreng in a few days.

The symptoms of herpes zoster occurs only on one side of the body in accordance with the infected nerve.

In addition, early symptoms of the disease can sometimes vary. A small percentage of people with experience pain but no rash. Here are other symptoms that may accompany the main symptoms:

  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Sensitive to light.
  • A sense of tired and unwell.
Shingles are generally not classified as serious illnesses or fatal and will heal on its own after a 14-28 day. But, you should immediately contact a doctor if the feel of the clinical symptoms and signs at the top, especially if you've been suffering from chicken pox. The handling is as early as possible will reduce the risk of complications.

Risk Factors For Shingles

The reasons behind the varicella virus active return is not yet known for sure. However, there are a number of factors that allegedly took. These risk factors include:
  • Age. The incidence of this disease is increasing in line with increasing age is generally experienced by sufferers, patients aged over 50 years.
  • The immune system declines, for example because it suffered from HIV/AIDS, using a steroid drug long term or immunosupresan, or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Experiencing physical or emotional stress.
Shingles is not contagious. But if you've never been exposed to chickenpox and had direct contact with sufferers of shingles, you may be infected with a virus varicella zoster and exposed to chicken pox.
People with shingles should also avoid contact with newborn babies, pregnant women, and people who have a weak immune system.

Diagnosis and treatment of Herpes Zoster

A diagnosis of shingles is usually done by checking the location and form of a rash, as well as the pain and other symptoms are felt. The doctor will probably take a sample of skin rashes or fluid from the rash which will then be examined in the laboratory if necessary.
Just like the chicken pox, there is no specific steps to deal with herpes zoster. The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms until the disease is cured by itself.

Measures of medical treatment that can be done to accelerate healing while reducing the risk of complications is by administering antiviral drugs. For instance, acyclovir and Valacyclovir. Antiviral drugs are most effective if taken within three days after the rash appears. But if the patient has risk of kompliasi, these drugs can be given to prior 7 days after the rash appears. Consumption of antiviral drugs is usually done during the 7-10 day.

A group of people who particularly need antiviral drugs includes the elderly and anyone with immune system declines, such as people with HIV, cancer, and diabetes. In addition, the antivirus is also given on people with with a rash or severe pain and if shingles affect the eyes.

Handle the pain as early as possible can also avoid the complications of people with nervous disorders. To cope with the pain, there are several types of drugs that would normally be given doctor. Among these are:

  • Pain relief drugs, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and codeine.
  • Drug trisiklik (TCA) antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, imipramine, and nortriptyline. Doctors will usually increase the dose of this drug slowly until the pain can be resolved.
  • Anticonvulsants, such as drug gabapentin and pregabalin.
Anticonvulsants and antidepressant medications generally takes a few weeks until their effectiveness could be perceived people with.
In addition to medications, you can also perform these simple steps to reduce the symptoms you are experiencing, for example:

  • Wear loose clothes and made from soft like cotton.
  • Close the rash clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection and irritation.
  • Avoid the use of plaster or anything made from adhesive so as not to add to the irritation.

When the rash itch, you can use calamine lotion to relieve this. But avoid the use of antibiotics oles due may slow the healing process. While the watery blister wounds can be treated and cleaned wearing cold water compresses.

Methods Of Prevention Of Herpes Zoster

The main preventive measures you can take to lower the risk of shingles is to receive a vaccine for shingles. The vaccine is recommended for herpes zoster is given at the age of 50 years at the top. Vaccines can also be given to anyone who has ever suffered from shingles to prevent recurrence. Although not prevent shingles exposed completely, this vaccination can at least reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease and sufferers will heal faster.
You can also prevent transmission of herpes zoster by way of simple form does not borrow a private person with goods (e.g. a towel or clothing).

Complications Of Shingles

If left untreated, shingles can cause some serious complications include:
  • Post-neuralgia herpes or postherpetic neuralgia. This severe pain can last for months or years after the rash is healed. It is estimated only a small portion of people with shingles over the age of 50 years old who suffered complications.
  • Blindness. If it appears around the eyes, shingles can lead to inflammation of the nerves of the eye, glaucoma, and even lead to blindness.
  • Disorders of the nerves, for example inflammatory on the brain, the issue at the hearing, or even body balance.
  • Bacterial infection on the rash or blisters when clean is not kept clean.
  • White patches on the former rash. Shingles rash can cause breakage of the pigment of the skin and look like a scar.

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