What is HIV and Aids ... ??

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus attacks the immune system and weakens the body's ability to fight infections and diseases.
HIV can not be cured, but there are treatments that can be used to slow the progression of the disease. This treatment will also make the sufferer live longer, so that can live life normally.

With early HIV diagnosis and effective treatment, people living with HIV will not turn into AIDS. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. At this stage, the body's ability to fight infection is completely gone.

The spread of HIV

HIV is a fragile type of virus. Can not last long outside the human body. HIV can be found in the body fluids of an infected person. The fluid in question is fluid sperm, vaginal fluid, anal fluid, blood, and breast milk. HIV can not spread through sweat or urine.
In Indonesia, the cause and spread of HIV / AIDS virus is divided into two main groups, namely through unsafe sex and needle-sharing syringes when using narcotics.

Here are some other ways of spreading HIV:

  • Transmission from mother to baby during pregnancy, when giving birth or breastfeeding.
  • Through oral sex.
  • Use of sex aids together or alternately.
  • Through blood transfusions from an infected person.
  • Use needles, injection, and other contaminated injecting equipment, such as sponges and cleaning cloths.

Step Treatment For HIV Patients

Although there is no cure to completely eliminate HIV, the current HIV treatment steps are quite effective. Treatment can extend the life of HIV sufferers and they can live a healthy lifestyle.
There are drugs known as antiretrovirals (antiretrovirals) that act to inhibit the virus in damaging the immune system. The drugs are administered in the form of tablets consumed daily. You will be advised to do a healthy lifestyle. For example healthy food, not smoking, getting an annual flu vaccine, and five-year pneumococcal vaccine. It aims to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.

Without treatment, people with HIV-infected immune systems will drop dramatically. And they tend to suffer life-threatening diseases such as cancer. This is known as late-stage HIV or AIDS.

How to Prevent HIV

The best way to prevent HIV is to have sex safely, and never share needles, and any injecting equipment. All who have had unprotected sex and shared needles or injections are at greater risk of becoming infected with HIV.

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