There is no vaccine to prevent HIV and no cure for AIDS, but you can protect yourself from getting infected. The only way to prevent HIV infection is to avoid activities that increase the risk of contracting HIV. Basically, prevention is always better than cure.
The most common ways to become infected with HIV are having unprotected sex, and sharing needles or other syringes. If you are infected with HIV, you can pass it on in these ways. If both partners are infected, still have safe sex. You can catch other types of HIV virus that may not be controlled by the drugs you consume.
Through Sex Relations
The highest risk of HIV infection is transmitted through unprotected sex through vagina and anal. The risk of contracting through oral sex is quite low, but it does not mean zero. Oral sex can transmit other sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis. Toys and sex aids are also at risk in spreading HIV if one of these toys and sex aids is positively infected with HIV.
The best way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to use condoms for any type of sex penetration. And use a dental dam to perform oral sex. Dental dam is a sheet of latex fabric. This fabric serves as a barrier between the mouth and the vagina or anus. It aims to reduce the spread of STIs during oral sex.
Take Truvada medicine
For people at high risk of HIV infection, taking emtricitabine-tenofovir (Truvada) drugs may reduce the risk of HIV infection through sexual intercourse. Truvada is also used in HIV care along with other medications.
Condom use
If you do not know your partner's HIV infection status, always use a new condom every time you have anal or vaginal sex. Condoms are available in different shapes, colors, textures, materials, and taste. Condoms are available for both men and women.
Condoms are the most effective form of protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Condoms can be used for any sexual intercourse. It is important to wear condoms before any sexual contact that arises between the penis, vagina, mouth, or anus. HIV can be spread before ejaculation. This occurs when the discharge of the initial fluid from the genitals and from the anus.
Use condoms made from latex or polyurethane (latex and polyurethane) when having sex. Use a condom once you or your partner has an erection, not before ejaculation.
Use of lubricants
Lubricants are used to increase the comfort and safety of sex with the aim of adding moisture to the vagina and anus during sex. Lubricants will reduce the risk of skin sores (tears) in the vagina or anus. The lubricant also prevents the condom from tearing.
Use only water-based lubricants instead of oils. Oil-based lubricants can weaken the power of condoms and can even tear condoms.
Through Needles and Injection
If you use a needle to inject medicine, make sure the needle is sterile. Do not share needles, injections, or injecting equipment again like sponges and fabrics. Sharing needles may increase the risk of getting infected with HIV and other viruses in the blood, such as hepatitis C.
If you want to make a tattoo or piercing, make sure always use a sterile needle and clean. Do not do this activity in place carelessly. Make sure you check the needles used.
Doing circumcision for men
Male circumcision is a surgical procedure to cut the skin at the tip of the penis. Circumcision is done on male genitals can reduce the risk of men affected by HIV.