Understanding, symptoms and healing Polio disease

Polio or poliomyelitis is a highly contagious viral disease and attacks the nervous system, especially in infants who have not done polio vaccination. In severe cases, the disease can cause breathing difficulties, paralysis, or and death.

Understanding, symptoms and healing Polio disease

Symptoms of Polio Disease

Most people with polio do not realize that they are infected because the polio virus initially causes little or no symptoms.

Polio sufferers are divided into three groups, namely non-paralysis polio, polio paralysis, and post-polio syndrome.

Polio non-paralysis

Polio non-paralysis is a type of polio that does not cause paralysis. Symptoms are mild. The following are symptoms of non-paralytic polio that generally last from one to ten days.

  • Gag
  • Weak muscles
  • Fever
  • Meningitis
  • Feeling tired
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Legs, hands, neck, and back feel stiff and sore

Polio paralysis

Polio paralysis is the most severe type of polio and can cause paralysis. Polio paralysis can be divided on the part of the affected body, such as the brainstem, spinal cord, or both.
The early symptoms of polio paralysis are often the same as non-paralysis polio, such as headache and fever. Symptoms of polio paralysis usually occur within a week, among which are serious muscle aches or weakness, the legs and arms feel limp or weak, and loss of body reflex.

Some people with polio paralysis can experience paralysis very quickly or even within hours after infection and sometimes paralysis occurs only on one side of the body. The respiratory tract may be blocked or not working, requiring emergency medical treatment.

Post-polio syndrome

Post-polio syndrome usually affects people who on average 30-40 years have previously had polio disease. Symptoms that often occur include:
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  • It's hard to concentrate or remember.
  • The joints or muscles become weaker and painful.
  • Deformity of the foot or wrist.
  • Depression or mood swings easily.
  • Sleep disturbance with difficulty breathing.
  • Easily tired.
  • The muscle mass of the body decreases (atrophy).
  • Not strong hold cold temperatures.

Causes of Polio

Polio disease is caused by polio virus that generally enters through food or drink contaminated with feces containing the virus. Just like smallpox, polio only infects humans. In the human body, the polio virus infects the throat and intestines. In addition through the dirt, polio virus can also spread through the liquid droplets that come out when sufferers cough or sneeze. In some conditions, this viral infection can spread to the bloodstream and invade the nervous system.
Immunization or administration of polio vaccine can minimize polio virus infection. Children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are particularly susceptible to polio virus if they do not participate in the immunization program or do not have a clean and good sanitation system.

Unvaccinated people will have a high level of risk of contracting polio if they do or experience things like the following.
  • Living with a polio patient.
  • The immune system is declining.
  • Traveling to areas where polio is still common.
  • Has performed surgical removal of tonsils.

Polio Diagnosis and Treatment

The initial diagnosis of polio can be done by asking for symptoms experienced by patients, whether they have been given polio vaccine before or made contact with polio patients, and through physical examination. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid, stool, or mucus samples will be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
There is no treatment that can cure polio if the polio virus has infected someone. But there are some things that can be done as a supportive treatment to prevent complications and make the patient feel more comfortable, such as physical therapy to prevent loss of muscle function, painkillers, nutritious diet, adequate rest, and breathing apparatus if necessary. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the viral infection entering and attacking the body.

Complications Polio

Disabilities, deformities of the feet and hips, as well as temporary or permanent paralysis may result from polio paralysis. Although surgery and physical therapy can be performed to treat a deformity in the joints, this action is not recommended for patients who are in an active polio environment as it may lead to the potential for lifelong disability.

Prevention of Polio

Although it has been declared a polio free country by WHO, did not rule out that this virus can still reappear in Indonesia. This can happen when people infected with polio from other countries enter Indonesia, and transmit the virus to others.
Therefore, preventive measures through vaccination is still very important to do. It aims to provide immunity to polio disease for life, especially in children.

Children should be given four doses of inactivated polio vaccine, ie by the time they are 2 months, 4 months, between 6 - 18 months, and the last one is between 4 and 6 years of age.

Polio vaccines with inactive viruses are likely to be close to 100 percent to effectively prevent polio after three injections, and are safe for people with weakened immune systems. The most common side effects after injection are pain and redness at the point of injection.

Adults who should get a series of polio vaccines are those who have not been vaccinated or vaccinated status is unclear.

The dose of polio vaccination in adults is the first two doses with intervals between 4-8 months, and the third dose between 6-12 months after the second dose. In addition, adult vaccinations can also be made if traveling to a country with an active polio case or interacting with a polio patient.

Some people who are given polio vaccine can experience allergies. Allergic reactions that may occur and usually appear after a few minutes to several hours are dizzy, weak, swollen throat, difficulty breathing, pale, hoarse, biduran, and heart beat fast. Immediately see a doctor if you experience any allergic symptoms after the injection.

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